There are many opportunities for you to get involved using whatever interests and talents that you have. The main qualification we are looking for is a passion to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Being an active supporter of Starlight Family can be achieved in a variety of ways such as fundraising, website maintenance, social media work, writing articles and mentoring. There are also opportunities for hands on help at the school, farm and orphanage in Uganda. Read more about visiting us on the page Visiting Starlight or contact us to find out more.

Starlight Family is a recognised charity on eBay in the UK. This means if you live in the UK you can choose to donate all or part of any money you make from selling items via Ebay to support our projects. Find out more…..

We are seeking people in the UK to collect empty printer ink cartridges for recycling to raise money to support Starlight Family. The process is simple. You order free-post envelopes from here and we will be sent £1 for every eligible empty cartridge that you and your friends return.