Dear friends. We have been very blessed at Christmas in previous years to receive generous donations in order to celebrate with the children from Starlight Family School as well as the children from the Starlight Family children’s home. Your kindness and generosity has meant that we were able to host a party for all the children providing a nourishing meal and give small gifts and clothing to those most in need.
This year is different. Sadly we will not be able to host a party for all of the children due to the pandemic restrictions in Uganda. We are also acutely aware that the main gift that we provide for the children, that is the gift of education, is currently on hold because we lack the funds to make the school COVID secure in order to be allowed to continue operating. As you may have also seen the school is in need of repairs as the roof of one of the buildings blew off in a recent storm.
For these reasons we have created a GoFundMe fundraiser. We feel that if we can raise money through the spirit of Christmas giving it would be best spent towards getting the school ready to open in the new year. The education that we were able to give the children is important for their quality of life now and in the future. Although currently we are only allowed to open the school for the top class we would like to be ready for when the restrictions are lifted and we can offer education for all of the children.
We thank you for your kindness. If you are unable to help financially we would very much appreciate you sharing this campaign with friends, family and acquaintances.
Finally we would like to add that if anyone specifically wishes to donate so the children in the home can have a Christmas celebration they can do this via our PayPal account but please let us know what the donation is for .
Wishing You Christmas Blessings and a Healthy New Year.
Lukyamuzi James ( director of Starlight Family) and volunteers.