Starlight Family director Lukyamuzi James spends his time, energy and resources making the world a brighter place for those who are in need of a little support and kindness. In the true spirit of Christmas he aims to brink an extra sparkle to the lives of the children and community in two ways. Firstly the school Christmas celebration event brings the community together to showcase the work of Starlight Family Charity School. During the celebration the school children can showcase and take pride in their work. This event also allows Starlight Family to thank everyone locally who is involved in supporting the charity as well as seek support for the upcoming year from community leaders and local businesses. When finances allow the children can take part in a celebratory meal, receive small gifts and be entertained by music. The second event is the celebration of Christmas with the orphans who are under the care of Starlight Family. When possible this is achieved with a special meal, gifts for the children and perhaps a film to watch. The children look forward to these events every year and so far thanks to the generosity of your donations James has managed to do something special for the last few years.